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Hi there!

Welcome to Positive Masculinity! If you’re interested in submitting a blog for our site, you're in the right place. We are looking for contributors who are excited to share their experiences with masculinity or write about any topic relating to masculinity. This can be absolutely anybody; it is not exclusive to masculine identifying people.


If this is your first time writing a blog, that’s no problem. We are happy to work with you to craft your piece and create something that you’re proud of. This is an incredible opportunity for you to reflect, compose your thoughts, and work to spread the message of Positive Masculinity. Thanks so much for your interest, we can’t wait to hear from you.

  • Topic: Anything that you want relating to the topic of masculinity

  • Length: 800 to 1,500 Words – That's only a few paragraphs!

  • If you use quotes or sources please make sure you cite these properly (feel free to reach out if you have any questions).


That’s it! Now let your creativity run free.


Overview of Process
  • Choose a general topic relating to positive masculinity that interests you. 

  • Submit the form below and you will receive a confirmation email with the publication release form.

  • Respond to the confirmation email with a rough draft of your blog and the completed publication release form.

  • Edit and revise your blog with the help of Positive Masculinity staff.

  • Have your blog published on the Positive Masculinity website!


Feel free to reach out if you have any confusion during this process. We are happy to lend a hand in any way that we can.

Submission Form
Do you wish to publish anonymously?

Your post has been submitted!

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